
Fix for WDK hypervisor error

2024-01-10 I have a Windows Dev Kit 2023, but had 5-8 crashes a day, all resulting in a blue screen of death with the message HYPERVISOR_ERROR. But I found a solution.

Trackpad gestures on Linux desktop

2024-01-03 On my Linux laptop, I like to have gestures support for my track pad to quickly switch to different screens (4 finger swipe) or go back/forward in the browser (3 finger swipe). I used the excellent gebaar-libinput for it, but it is unmaintained, and it fails to compile on newer versions of Linux. So I have made a simpler version, that is easy to compile and modify, and is called gestures.

Wrestling with the borrow checker of Rust

2024-01-02 I had good experiences with the borrow checker of Rust. Until now. I have a curious case that I can not solve. If you want a puzzle, here it is.

New website

2023-11-18 Today, I launched this website. Written in Rust with a focus on static error detection and handling. Read more about the techniques here.