Source at the Bit Powder Gitea
Displays a tmux status line with the CPU utilization for the last 20 seconds, and the current memory usage. Daemon stops after 5 minutes (by default). On stop, can execute an user specified command, e.g. to suspend the computer.s
Example (using nerd-fonts):
Linux users can use the Bit Powder repo for Debian/Raspbian.
macOS users can use Homebrew with the following commands (upgrade with brew reinstall bitpowder/indigo-ng/tmuxstatus
brew tap bitpowder/indigo-ng
brew install --HEAD bitpowder/indigo-ng/tmuxstatus
If using Rust, install from
cargo install tmuxstatus
Add the following to your ~/.tmux.conf
set -g status-interval 1
set -g status-right "#(tmuxstatus) %H:%M "
set -g status-right-length "60"
To auto suspend after 5 minutes, use the following command:
set -g status-right "#(tmuxstatus --timeout 300 sudo systemctl suspend) %H:%M "
Creates a daemon on first use to avoid overhead. New invocations query this daemon so the overhead is reduced.
The overhead can be further reduced if tmux supports directly reading a status line using UNIX domain sockets instead of spawning a process.